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How Much Time Can you Save Using a Meal Prep Service? - thebodykitchen

How Much Time Can you Save Using a Meal Prep Service?

How long does it take to meal prep vs TheBodyKitchen?

What would you rather; devote two hours to preparing a healthy meal prep from scratch – or just three minutes with The Body Kitchen?

Meal prep really does require precision, patience and organisation if you want to get it right. Everything from the supermarket shop, carefully measuring out or chopping up the many ingredients, and then the cooking itself. That’s not even factoring in all the washing up afterwards.

While meal planning in advance is a very useful way to save you time and energy throughout the week, you still have to sacrifice several hours to devote yourself to it on your set prep day. So, the Body Kitchen team thought we would conduct a test to see how long it takes to whip up freshly cooked nutritious meals made from scratch, from start to finish.